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Luxury Hunter × Hunter Kurapika Cosplay Jelmez Karnevál

Luxury Hunter × Hunter Kurapika Cosplay Jelmez Karnevál(YDC246)

Árjegyzék:  Ft35,090  
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27% OFF

Protagonist Jeremiah grew up in the whale island grew Vel Mitt aunt and a lady partner. His cheerful nature, have the ability to communicate Vel the spiritual animals. Because no father and mother, aunt Mitt Jie as her mother's love. Until the age of 9, Jie in the forest by a young rescued. From his mouth Jie knows that his father was alive and occupation is a hunter. After convincing Aunt Mit, only Jay embarked on a journey to find the father. As a result, Jay decided to become a hunter, from where to start looking for the trail of his father. For this belief began a journey of adventure, and make friends on the trip, increasing, leading to all the stories behind leads to the wonderful world of hunters.
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